Town Planner, Development application, development application submission, development application objection

Confused by all the jargon? Here are some of the commonly used terms you’ll come across - for development applications dealing with mainly residential development.



Clause 4.6

Consent Authority













Section 8.2



Standard LEP (or ‘standard template LEP’)

Apartment Design Guide. Guidelines that support SEPP (Housing) which applies to residential flat buildings of four or more units and three or more storeys.

Computer Aided Design. Most development applications are drawn using CAD. It’s also used for diagrams showing view sharing and overshadowing.

Clause 4.6 is found in local environmental plans. It allows development standards (planning controls) to be varied providing certain requirements are fulfilled.

The authority that determines a DA. Depending on its type, this might be a council/local planning panel, a regional planning panel, a public authority, the Independent Planning Commission or the Minister for Planning.

Development application.

Department of Planning. Changes name quite regularly but most refer to it this way or at least will know what you mean. The state government department with responsibility for planning.

Development Control Plan. Provides a range of requirements, controls and performance standards about how development should occur.

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 which governs the planning system in NSW. Other provisions are found in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation, referred as the ‘Regs.’.

Environmental Planning Instrument. Includes SEPPs and LEPs.

Land and Environment Court of NSW

Local Environmental Plan. A legal document governing what development may/may not occur. and development standards with legal force.

Local Government (or ‘council’) area.

Local Planning Panel. Appointed by Councils to determine development applications meeting certain criteria.

Modification application to change an approved development under s4.55/4.56 of the EPA Act. Mods are subject to different considerations to a DA.

Rural Fire Service.

Regional Planning Panel

Section of the EPA Act which allows applicants to request a review of a determination of a development application or modification application

Statement of Environmental Effects. A document written on behalf of the applicant which explains a proposed development and its compliance with controls.

State Environmental Planning Policy. A legal document setting out planning provisions which apply across NSW. Some stipulate development requirements and controls (for example over residential flat development) and others effectively override local planning controls to  allow certain forms of development (eg, affordable housing).

LEPs made from 2005 are required to adopt the form and content of a 'standard instrument' which provides a level of consistency between LEPs prepared by different councils across NSW, some provisions being compulsory and some, optional. Although some older style LEPs remain in force, most LEPs are now in this ‘standard’ format.