Welcome to the DA Next Door

Learn about the DA process

Your neighbour wants to build or extend? Don’t panic! With practical, easy to understand information, DA Next Door aims to de-mystify the development application process in NSW, with a focus on development applications in residential areas. Find out what sorts of things decision makers take into account, what to put in DA objections and how to achieve positive outcomes where new development affects you. DA Next Door is a free to use resource, but you must accept our terms and conditions in continuing to use our site. If you’re happy with that click on Learn about DAs to see all current topics, or jump to Write a DA Objection if that’s what is of interest to you. Alternatively choose your topics of interest from the links below.

DA Next Door’s topics will be added to regularly, so if you don’t find what you need, check back later.

Current topics

How to Speak DA - LEP, SEPP, DCP - find out what all those acronyms mean.

How to Write a DA Objection - keep it focussed and effective.

Engaging a Town Planner - DIY or engage an expert?

Should I Speak to the Applicant? - an early conversation can have benefits.

Understanding Town Planning Controls - They determine what you can do, where, and in what form.

Planning controls in practice - understand the building blocks of planning controls

DAs That Don’t Comply - how and why town planning controls are changed and varied.

How are DAs Determined? — who makes the decisions and how.

Local Planning Panels - how they are conducted and how you can be involved.

Speaking at a Local Planning Panel Meeting - how to get your views across.

The NSW Land and Environment Court - the Court’s role in dispute resolution.

Overshadowing Impact - Shadow Plans and Overshadowing controls

View Impact Analysis - When is view impact unreasonable?

Write DA Objection, DA Objection Sydney, DA Objection NSW, Find Town Planner Sydney, Town Planning Controls
Development application notification, town planning rules, town planner Sydney
DA Objection NSW, Object to DA Sydney, Planning Controls NSW